After more than 30 minutes in the stuffy room with no help, I googled the error code myself and determined it wasn't going to be fixed tonight. With a 6 week old baby, that wasn't going to work. I called to the front desk, and he quickly attempted to get me a new room, but found that there was only a smoking single. I went to turn up the air conditioning, only to be greeted by an error code. The light switch at the bed was broken, and the phone next to the bed didn't work. When I arrived at my room on the 5th floor, it was stuffy after a nearly 100 degree, oppressively humid day. I struggled to get to the elevator because a visibly intoxicated man with an open beer was blocking the doorway. One front desk person was all I could see.he was giving it a valiant effort, but the situation was too overwhelming. There were men arguing loudly out front, and the lobby was packed with a roudy group of nearly 100, despite the late hour. Attached to a casino complex, the brand's usual calm parking area is a crazy, bustling mish-mash of people, many of whom you wouldn't want to encounter in a dark alley. This property is clearly not that product. I stay at Hilton properties for work and Hamptons for family travel because I'm used to a consistent, quality product.